Advent of Code 2020

I’m archiving and cataloguing /g/’s collective attempt at advent of code 2020.
Day 6: things are way too easy. /g/’s not happy, and the filter hungers. Don’t worry, I’m sure there’ll be a ferry that needs us to patch its ROM or something.
Day 8: the bytecode has finally begun. And we literally had to patch a gameboy’s bootcode. Nice.
Day 9: No bytecode continuation, but at least we got another brute-force O(n^3)!

Send this file:

Alternatively, send it as to, along with any useful information you want to add (A username, the language, any interesting notes, pictures) and I’ll publish it here.

###Interesting links:
Start your journey at Day One.
all of /g/’s Big Boy datasets and special rules.
The Tomb of the Unknown Cnile
Milkanon, the guy who doesn’t like assemblers, but loves assembly
The Wizard’s Tower
Steve Klabnik, the guy behind the evil plot to rewrite all programs in Rust.
Miscellaneous Media
My Solutions

Check the bottom of the page for the complete archive listings. I can’t keep everything manually up-to-date! If it looks like a pseudonym, it’s probably all the solutions that (I think) come from one particular anon.



Directory of all subfolders. Usernames are anon’s solutions. This list also contains the bigboy data etc.

2020-12-03 bigboy

2020-12-04 The Filter

2020-12-05 miscmedia.txt

2020-12-03 Archivist Anon

2020-12-03 Archivist Anon

2020-12-03 Archivist Anon

2020-12-04 Day 1

2020-12-05 Day 2

2020-12-05 Day 3

2020-12-05 Day 4

2020-12-05 Day 5

2020-12-05 Day 6

2020-12-05 Day 7

2020-12-05 Day 8

2020-12-05 Day 9

2020-12-05 Day 10

2020-12-05 Day 11

2020-12-05 Day 12

2020-12-05 Day 13

2020-12-05 Day 14

2020-12-05 Day 15

2020-12-05 Day 16

2020-12-05 Day 17

2020-12-05 Day 18

2020-12-05 Day 19

2020-12-05 Day 20

2020-12-05 Day 21

2020-12-05 Day 22

2020-12-05 Day 23

2020-12-05 Day 24

2020-12-05 Day 25

2020-12-03 forthposter

2020-12-03 joker

2020-12-05 milkanon-he-who-assembles

2020-12-03 spreadsheet anon

2020-12-06 Steve Klabnik

2020-12-06 Steve Klabnik

2020-12-04 The Tomb of the Unknown cnile

2020-12-04 The Tomb of the Unknown cnile

2020-12-04 wizardanon
