Archivist Anon

These are my own solutions to the Advent of Code problems. So far, they’ve all been in C, but I want to write a few in Common Lisp in the next new days.

\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = input;
        array data = arr\_init(0, sizeof(int));
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            char \* val = strsep(&line, " ");
            int temp = atoi(val);
            arr\_add(&data, &temp);
        for (int j = 0;j<data.size;j++){
            printf("val: %d\n", arr\_get(int, data, j));
        for (size\_t i = 0;i<data.size;i++){
            for (size\_t j = 0;j<data.size;j++){
                if (arr\_get(int,data,i) + arr\_get(int,data,j)== 2020){
                    printf("Found!  The multiple is: %d\n", arr\_get(int,data,i) \* arr\_get(int,data,j) );
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = input;
        array data = arr\_init(0, sizeof(int));
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            char \* val = strsep(&line, " ");
            int temp = atoi(val);
            arr\_add(&data, &temp);
        for (int j = 0;j<data.size;j++){
            //printf("val: %d\n", arr\_get(int, data, j));
        for (size\_t i = 0;i<data.size;i++){
            for (size\_t j = 0;j<data.size;j++){
                for (size\_t k = 0;k<data.size;k++){
                    if (arr\_get(int,data,i) + arr\_get(int,data,j) + arr\_get(int,data,k)== 2020){
                        printf("Found!  The multiple is: %d\n",  arr\_get(int,data,i) 
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    //For /g/&\#39;s bigboy dataset.  Target sum is 99920044
    int MAX\_SIZE = 100000;
    int compare(const void\* a, const void\* b){
        return (\*(int \*)a < \*(int \*)b) ? -1 : 1;
        return 0;
    int search\_up(int\*vals, int left, int right, int max){
        int here;
        while (right-left > 1){
            here = (left+right)/2;
            if(vals[here] == max) return here;
            if(vals[here] > max) right = here;
            if(vals[here] < max) left = here;
        if(vals[right] > max){
            return left;
            return right;
    int search\_down(int\*vals, int left, int right, int min){
        int here;
        while (right-left > 1){
            here = (left+right)/2;
            if(vals[here] == min) return here;
            if(vals[here] > min) right = here;
            if(vals[here] < min) left = here;
        if(vals[left] < min){
            return right;
            return left;
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        int size = 0;
        const int target = 99920044;
        int\*arr = malloc(sizeof(int)\*MAX\_SIZE);
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&input, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            char \* val = strsep(&line, " ");
            arr[size++] = atoi(val);
            if (size > MAX\_SIZE) {
                printf("Too many inputs\n");
        //int (\*func)(const void \*, const void \*, void \*) = &compare;
        qsort(&arr[0], size, sizeof(int), compare);
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
            //printf("%d\n", arr[i]);
        int true\_left = 0;
        int true\_right= size-1;
        //first pass
            int any=1;
                any = 0;
                int new\_true\_right = search\_up(arr,true\_left+2,true\_right,target-arr[true\_left]-arr[true\_left+1]);
                    true\_right = new\_true\_right;
                int new\_true\_left = search\_down(arr,true\_left,true\_right-2,target-arr[true\_right]-arr[true\_right-1]);
                //if(any)printf("true left, true right %d, %d\n", true\_left, true\_right);
            int left=true\_left;
            int right = true\_right-1;
            int starget = target - arr[true\_right];
            any = 1;
                any = 0;
                int new\_right = search\_up(arr,left+1,right,starget-arr[left]);
                    right = new\_right;
                int new\_left = search\_down(arr,left,right-1,starget-arr[right]);
                //printf("%d, %d\n", left, right);
            //printf("starting iteration\n");
            while(left != right ){
                int tempright = search\_up(arr, left+1, right,starget-arr[left]);
                if(arr[left]+arr[tempright] == starget){
                    printf("FOUND IT!  the nums are %d, %d, %d\n", arr[left], arr[right], arr[true\_right]);
                    printf("Sum is: %d, compared with %d\n", arr[left]+ arr[right]+ arr[true\_right], target);
                    return 0;
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = strdup(input);
        array data = arr\_init(0, sizeof(int));
        int n\_valid\_passwords = 0;
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            int polchar\_occurences = 0;
            char \* val = line;
            printf("string: %s\n", val);
            int min = atoi(val);
            strsep(&val, "-");
            int max = atoi(val);
            strsep(&val, " ");
            char polchar = val[0];
            strsep(&val, " ");
            printf("%d, %d, %c\n", min, max, polchar);
            while(val[0] != &\#39;\0&\#39;){
                printf("%c", val[0]);
                if (val[0] == polchar) polchar\_occurences++;
            printf("\nnumber of times %c occured: %d\n", polchar, polchar\_occurences);
            if(min <= polchar\_occurences && polchar\_occurences <= max) n\_valid\_passwords++;
        printf("Number of valid passwords:%d\n", n\_valid\_passwords);
        for (size\_t j = 0;j<data.size;j++){
            printf("val: %d\n", arr\_get(int, data, j));
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        char\* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        int n\_valid\_passwords = 0;
        char\* line = NULL;
        int ind[2];
        while((line = strsep(&input, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            char\* val = line;
            ind[0] = atoi(val)-1;
            strsep(&val, "-");
            ind[1] = atoi(val)-1;
            strsep(&val, " ");
            char polchar = val[0];
            strsep(&val, " ");
            n\_valid\_passwords += ((val[ind[0]]==polchar) != (val[ind[1]]==polchar));
        printf("Number of valid passwords:%d\n", n\_valid\_passwords);
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = malloc(strlen(input)\*sizeof(char)); 
        strcpy(dispos, input);
        array data = arr\_init(0, sizeof(int));
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
        int xpos = 0;
        int ypos = 0;
        int n\_trees = 0;
        printf("W: %d, H: %d\n", width,height);
        while(ypos < height){
            xpos = (xpos+3)%width;
            ypos = ypos+1;
            printf("%d, %d\n", xpos,ypos);
            //We have to use width+1 to account for newline characters
            if(input[xpos+ypos\*(width+1)] == &\#39;\#&\#39;) {
                printf("you hit a tree\n");
        printf("You hit %d trees\n", n\_trees);
        return 0;
\#include <stdio.h>
    /\*TO THE\*/ \#include <stdlib.h>
    /\*OCEAN!\*/ \#include <string.h>
    \#define R 5
    int main(
    int argc,
    char \*\*argv){
    int w=0;int h=0;
    int l=0;FILE\*f=fopen(
    argv[1],"r");char\*I;if                 (!f)
    return-1;fseek(f,0,SEEK\_END);            l=ftell
    (f);printf("l is %d\n",l);                rewind(f)
    ;I=(char\*)malloc(sizeof(char)\*              (l+1))
    ;fread(I,sizeof(char),l,f);                 fclose
    (f);((char\*)I)[l]=&\#39;\0&\#39;;for(int             i=0;
    i<l;i++){if(I[i]==&\#39;\n&\#39;){w=i;break         ;}}h=l
    /(w+1);printf("W: %d,H: %d\n"           ,w,h) ;int 
    s[R] [2]={{1,1},{3,1},{5,1},    {7,1},  {1,2}  };long 
    int tot=1;for(int run=0;run<R;   run++){int      x=0;
    int y=0;int n=0;while(y<h){x=(    x+s [run]        [0]
    )%w;y=y+s[run][1];if(I[x+y\*(w+1)   ]==&\#39;\#&\#39;)n++        ;
    }printf("You hit %d trees on run    %d\n",n,run)     ;
    tot \*=n;}printf("Total multiple:     %ld\n",tot);    ;
    int i=0;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;  i++;i++;i++;   i++;
    i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++ ;i++;i++;  i++;i++;i++  ;i++;
    i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++; i++;i++;   i++;i++;   i++;
    i++; i++;i++; i++; i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;  i++;     i++;
    i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;  i++;i++;    i++;   i++;
     i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;i++;  i++; i++;  
    i++;i++;i++; i++;i++;i++; i++;i++;i++;i++;   i++;;}
\#include <stdio.h>
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    \#include <string.h>
    \#include "../bn.h"
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        long int  length = 0;
        FILE \*f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        char  output[8192];
        output[0] = &\#39;a&\#39;;
        output[1024] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        char \*input;
        if (!f) return -1; 
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK\_END);
        length = ftell(f);
        printf("length is %ld\n", length);
        input = (char\*)malloc(sizeof(char) \* (length+1));
        fread(input, sizeof(char), length, f);
        printf("length is %ld\n", length);
        ((char\*)input)[length] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
            if(input[i] == &\#39;\n&\#39;){
                width = i;
        height = length/(width+1);
        printf("W: %d, H: %d\n", width,height);
        int run\_list\_size = 15;
        int slopevals[2][15] = {{ 2, 3, 4,  6,  8,  9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 54, 64 },
                                { 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 47 }};
        unsigned long long int running\_mult\_total = 1;
        struct bn total;
        struct bn tmp;
        struct bn tmp2;
        bignum\_from\_int(&total, 1);
        for(int i = 0;i<run\_list\_size;i++){
            for(int j = 0;j<run\_list\_size;j++){
                //printf("Slope %d, %d\n", slopevals[0][i], slopevals[1][j]);
                int xpos = 0;
                int ypos = 0;
                int n\_trees = 0;
                while(ypos < height){
                    xpos = (xpos+slopevals[0][i])%width;
                    ypos = ypos+slopevals[1][j];
                    //We have to use width+1 to account for newline characters
                    if(input[xpos+ypos\*(width+1)] == &\#39;\#&\#39;) n\_trees++;
                printf("You hit %d trees on run %d\n", n\_trees, i\*15+j);
                if(n\_trees == 0) n\_trees++;
                //bignum\_from\_int(&total, 111231);
                bignum\_assign(&tmp2, &total);
                bignum\_to\_string(&total, output, sizeof(output));
                printf("running multiple: %s\n", output);
        bignum\_to\_string(&total, output, 1024);
        printf("Total multiple: %s\n", output);
        return 0;
\#include "../array.h"
    \#include "../fileload.h"
    \#include <stdlib.h>
     \*  byr (Birth Year)
     \*  iyr (Issue Year)
     \*  eyr (Expiration Year)
     \*  hgt (Height)
     \*  hcl (Hair Color)
     \*  ecl (Eye Color)
     \*  pid (Passport ID)
     \*  cid (Country ID)
    \#define BYR 1<<0
    \#define IYR 1<<1
    \#define EYR 1<<2
    \#define HGT 1<<3
    \#define HCL 1<<4
    \#define ECL 1<<5
    \#define PID 1<<6
    \#define CID 1<<7
    typedef struct field{
        int bitcode;
        char label[4];
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        field fields[8];
        strcpy(fields[0].label, "BYR"); 
        strcpy(fields[1].label, "IYR"); 
        strcpy(fields[2].label, "EYR"); 
        strcpy(fields[3].label, "HGT"); 
        strcpy(fields[4].label, "HCL"); 
        strcpy(fields[5].label, "ECL"); 
        strcpy(fields[6].label, "PID"); 
        strcpy(fields[7].label, "CID"); 
        int all\_on = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i<8; i++){
            fields[i].bitcode = 1<<i;
            all\_on = all\_on | fields[i].bitcode;
            fields[i].label[3] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = input;
        int n\_valids = 0;
        int bitmap\_default = 0 | CID;
        int bitmap = 0 | CID;
        char \* line= 0;
        char \* val = 0;
        char \* fieldname = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) { 
                //printf("Passport done\n");
                if (bitmap == all\_on) {
                    //printf("Valid passport\n");
                    //printf("Invalid passport\n");
                bitmap = bitmap\_default | CID;
            while(val =strsep(&line, " ")){
                fieldname = strsep(&val, ":");
                for(int i = 0; i<8; i++){
                    if(strcasecmp(fieldname, fields[i].label) == 0){
                        bitmap = bitmap | fields[i].bitcode;
        printf("There are %d valid passports among the bunch.\n", n\_valids);
        return 0;
\#include "../fileload.h"
    \#include <stdlib.h>
     \*  byr (Birth Year)
     \*  iyr (Issue Year)
     \*  eyr (Expiration Year)
     \*  hgt (Height)
     \*  hcl (Hair Color)
     \*  ecl (Eye Color)
     \*  pid (Passport ID)
     \*  cid (Country ID)
    typedef struct field{
        int bitcode;
        char label[4];
        int (\*validate)(const void \*);
    int valBYR(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        int yr = atoi(str);
        if(strlen(str) == 4 && 1920<=yr && yr <= 2002) return 1;
        return 0;
    int valIYR(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        int yr = atoi(str);
        if(       strlen(str) == 4 
                && 2010<=yr 
                && yr<=2020) 
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int valEYR(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        int yr = atoi(str);
        if(       strlen(str) == 4 
                && 2020<=yr 
                && yr<=2030) 
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int valHGT(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        int len = strlen(str);
        if(strcmp(str+len-2, "cm") == 0){
            int h = atoi(str);
            if(   150 <= h && h <= 193) return 1;
        if(strcmp(str+len-2, "in") == 0){
            int h = atoi(str);
            if(   59 <= h && h <= 76) return 1;
        return 0;
    int valHCL(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        if(strlen(str) != 7) return 0;
        if(str[0] != &\#39;\#&\#39;) return 0;
        for(int i = 1; i < 7; i++){
            if (  !(str[i]>=48&&str[i]<=57) 
                  &&!(str[i]>=97&&str[i]<=102)) return 0;
        return 1;
    int valECL(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        if(strcmp(str,"amb")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"blu")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"brn")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"gry")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"grn")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"hzl")==0)return 1;
        if(strcmp(str,"oth")==0)return 1;
        return 0;
    int valPID(const void\*value){
        char \* str = (char\*)value;
        if(strlen(str) != 9) return 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
            if (str[i]<48||str[i]>57) return 0;
        return 1;
    int valCID(const void\*value){
        //lol no
        return 1;
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        field fields[8];
        strcpy(fields[0].label, "BYR"); fields[0].validate = valBYR;
        strcpy(fields[1].label, "IYR"); fields[1].validate = valIYR;
        strcpy(fields[2].label, "EYR"); fields[2].validate = valEYR;
        strcpy(fields[3].label, "HGT"); fields[3].validate = valHGT;
        strcpy(fields[4].label, "HCL"); fields[4].validate = valHCL;
        strcpy(fields[5].label, "ECL"); fields[5].validate = valECL;
        strcpy(fields[6].label, "PID"); fields[6].validate = valPID;
        strcpy(fields[7].label, "CID"); fields[7].validate = valCID;
        int all\_on = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i<8; i++){
            fields[i].bitcode = 1<<i;
            all\_on = all\_on | fields[i].bitcode;
            fields[i].label[3] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        if(argc < 2){
            printf("not enough inputs\n");
            return -1;
        char \* input = file\_contents(argv[1]);
        char\*dispos = input;
        int n\_valids = 0;
        int bitmap\_default = 0 | CID;
        int bitmap = 0 | CID;
        char \* line= 0;
        char \* val = 0;
        char \* fieldname = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&dispos, "\n")) != NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) { 
                //printf("Passport done\n");
                if (bitmap == all\_on) {
                    //printf("Valid passport\n");
                    //printf("Invalid passport\n");
                bitmap = bitmap\_default | CID;
            while(val =strsep(&line, " ")){
                fieldname = strsep(&val, ":");
                for(int i = 0; i<8; i++){
                    if(strcasecmp(fieldname, fields[i].label) == 0){
                        bitmap = bitmap | (fields[i].bitcode
        printf("There are %d valid passports among the bunch.\n", n\_valids);
        return 0;
\#include <stdio.h>
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    \#include <string.h>
    \#define PLANE\_LENGTH 128
    \#define PLANE\_WIDTH 8
    int blookup(int min,int max, char \* code, int n\_splits){
        for(int i = 0; i < n\_splits; i++){
            if(code[i]==&\#39;B&\#39; || code[i]==&\#39;R&\#39;) 
                min = (min+max)/2+1;
            if(code[i]==&\#39;F&\#39; || code[i]==&\#39;L&\#39;) 
                max = (min+max)/2;
        //printf("min %d, max %d\n", min, max);
        return min;
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        int  length = 0;
        FILE \*f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        char \*input;
        if (!f) return -1; 
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK\_END);
        length = ftell(f);
        input = (char\*)malloc(sizeof(char) \* (length+1));
        fread(input, sizeof(char), length, f);
        //printf("length is %d\n", length);
        ((char\*)input)[length] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        int biggest\_possible\_id = (0 + 8\*127+7);
        printf("Biggest possible ID: %d\n", biggest\_possible\_id);
        int biggest\_id = 0;
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&input, "\n"))!= NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            int row = 0;
            int column = 0;
            int id = 0;
            //printf("%s\n", line);
            //boarding seat code is 10 chars long
            row = blookup(0, PLANE\_LENGTH-1, line,7);
            column = blookup(0, PLANE\_WIDTH-1, line+7,3);
            //printf("Row %d, Column %d, ID %d\n", row, column, id);
            if(id>biggest\_id) biggest\_id=id;
            printf("Biggest ID so far: %d\n", biggest\_id);
        return 0;
\#include <stdio.h>
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    \#include <string.h>
    \#define PLANE\_LENGTH 128
    \#define PLANE\_WIDTH 8
    int compare(const void\* a, const void\* b){
        return (\*(int \*)a < \*(int \*)b) ? -1 : 1;
        return 0;
    int blookup(int min,int max, char \* code, int n\_splits){
        for(int i = 0; i < n\_splits; i++){
            if(code[i]==&\#39;B&\#39; || code[i]==&\#39;R&\#39;) 
                min = (min+max)/2+1;
            if(code[i]==&\#39;F&\#39; || code[i]==&\#39;L&\#39;) 
                max = (min+max)/2;
        //printf("min %d, max %d\n", min, max);
        return min;
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        int  length = 0;
        FILE \*f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        char \*input;
        if (!f) return -1; 
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK\_END);
        length = ftell(f); rewind(f);
        input = (char\*)malloc(sizeof(char) \* (length+1));
        fread(input, sizeof(char), length, f);
        ((char\*)input)[length] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        int n\_lines = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
            if(input[i] == &\#39;\n&\#39;)
        printf("no. of lines: %d\n", n\_lines);
        int \* idlist = malloc(sizeof(int)\*n\_lines);
        int list\_index = 0;
        char \* line = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&input, "\n"))!= NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0) break;
            int row = 0;
            int column = 0;
            int id = 0;
            row = blookup(0, PLANE\_LENGTH-1, line,7);
            column = blookup(0, PLANE\_WIDTH-1, line+7,3);
            idlist[list\_index++] = id;
        qsort(idlist, n\_lines, sizeof(int), &compare);
        for(int i = 0; i < n\_lines-1; i++){
            if ((idlist[i+1]-idlist[i]) > 1){
                printf("ID between %d and %d\n", idlist[i], idlist[i+1]);
                printf("My ID is %d\n", idlist[i]+1);
        return 0;
\#include <stdio.h>
    \#include <stdlib.h>
    \#include <string.h>
    const int coffset = 97;
    int countbits(int N){
        int count = 0;
        while(N > 0){
            count += N & 1;
            N >>= 1;
        return count;
    int part1(char\* in);
    int part2(char\* in);
    int main (int argc, char\*\*argv){
        int  length = 0;
        FILE \*f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        char \*input;
        if (!f) return -1; 
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK\_END);
        length = ftell(f);
        input = (char\*)malloc(sizeof(char) \* (length+1));
        fread(input, sizeof(char), length, f);
        ((char\*)input)[length] = &\#39;\0&\#39;;
        return 0;
    int part1(char\* in){
        char \* line = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        int groupbits = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&in, "\n"))!= NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0){
                sum += countbits(groupbits);
                groupbits = 0;
            for(int i=0;i<strlen(line);i++){
                groupbits |= (1 << ((int)line[i] - coffset));
        printf("Sum of sums: %d\n", sum);
    int part2(char\* in){
        char \* line = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        int groupbits = ~0;
        int passengerbits = 0;
        while((line = strsep(&in, "\n"))!= NULL){
            if(strlen(line) == 0){
                sum += countbits(groupbits);
                groupbits = ~0;
            for(int i=0;i<strlen(line);i++){
                passengerbits |= (1 << ((int)line[i] - coffset));
            groupbits &= passengerbits;
            passengerbits = 0;
        printf("Sum of sums: %d\n", sum);
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-7
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate))
    (in-package \#:aoc-7)
    (defun cat (&rest strs)
        (concatenate &\#39;string strs))
    (defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test \#&\#39;char=))
      "Returns a new string in which all the occurences of the part 
    is replaced with replacement."
      (with-output-to-string (out)
        (loop with part-length = (length part)
              for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
              for pos = (search part string
                                :start2 old-pos
                                :test test)
              do (write-string string out
                               :start old-pos
                               :end (or pos (length string)))
              when pos do (write-string replacement out)
              while pos)))
    (defun getinput ()
        (let\* ((fname "testinput")
               (lines (uiop:read-file-lines  fname)))
    (defun replac (lines)
            (lambda (x)
              (last (mapcar 
                (lambda (s r)
                  (setf x (replace-all x s r)))
                &\#39;("," "." " bags " " bag " "contain " "no other" " bags" " bag")
                `(""  ""  ,(string \#\newline) ,(string \#\newline) "" "" "" "")))
    (defun split (lines)
          (lambda (x)
            (eq (length x) 1))
            (lambda (x)
                    (split-sequence \#\newline (car x)
                                    :remove-empty-subseqs t))
    (defun split-num (str)
          (parse-integer (car (split-sequence \#\space str :count 1)))
            (lambda (x y) 
              (concatenate &\#39;string x y)) 
            (split-sequence \#\space str :from-end t :count 2))))
    (defun line-num  (line)
        (cons (replace-all (car line) " " "")
              (mapcar \#&\#39;split-num
                      (cdr line))))
    (defun split-nums (lines)
          (lambda (x)
                  (line-num x))
    (defun get-data ()
        (split-nums (split (replac (getinput)))))
    (defun searchline (str line)
        (reduce (lambda (&optional x y)
                  (or x y))
                (mapcar (lambda (sub)
                          (equal (cadr sub)
    (defun getline (str data)
          (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
                           (equal str (car x)))
    (defun remline (str data)
        (remove-if (lambda (x)
                     (equal str (car x)))
    (defun rep-element (el data &optional (keepln t))
        (if (getline (second el) data)
            (list (first el) 
                  (rep-line (cdr (getline (second el) data))
                            data keepln))
            (if keepln el (list (first el))))  )
    (defun rep-line (line data &optional (keepln t))
        (mapcar (lambda (x)
                  (rep-element x data keepln)) 
    (defun rep (col1 lines data &optional (keepln t))
        (mapcar (lambda (x l)
                  (cons x
                        (rep-line l data keepln)))
                col1 lines))
    (defun find-recur (el l)
        (cond ((null l) nil)
              ((atom l) (equal el l))
              (t (if (equal el (car l))
                       (find-recur el
                                 (car l))
                       (find-recur el
                                 (cdr l)))))))
    (defun nostring (l)
        (let ((nl (if (not (or (atom l) (null l))) 
                        (lambda (x)
                          (typep x &\#39;string ))
          (cond ((atom nl) nl)
                ((null (cdr nl)) (list (nostring (car nl))))
                (t (list (nostring (car nl))
                         (nostring (cdr nl)))
    (defun count-recur (l)
        (cond ((null l) 0)
             ((atom l) l)
             ((and (> (length l) 1)
                   (atom (car l))
                   (not (atom (cadr l))))
              (+ (car l)
                 (\* (car l)
                    (count-recur (cdr l)))))
             (t (+ (count-recur (car l))
                      (count-recur (cadr l))))))
    (defun part1 ()
        (let\* ((data (remline "shinygold" (get-data)))
               (fdata (mapcar \#&\#39;car data))
               (bdata (mapcar \#&\#39;cdr data)))
          (count &\#39;t 
                 (mapcar (lambda (x)
                    (find-recur "shinygold" x))
                  (rep fdata bdata data)))
    (defun part2 ()
        (let\* ((data (get-data))
               (fdata (mapcar \#&\#39;car data))
               (bdata (mapcar \#&\#39;cdr data))
               (pdata (rep fdata bdata data nil))
               (gold (getline "shinygold" pdata)))
          (print pdata)
          (print gold)
          (print (nostring gold))
          (cdr gold)
          (count-recur (cdr gold))))
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-8
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate))
    (in-package \#:aoc-8)
    (defun cat (&rest strs)
        (concatenate &\#39;string strs))
    (defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test \#&\#39;char=))
      "Returns a new string in which all the occurences of the part 
    is replaced with replacement."
      (with-output-to-string (out)
        (loop with part-length = (length part)
              for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
              for pos = (search part string
                                :start2 old-pos
                                :test test)
              do (write-string string out
                               :start old-pos
                               :end (or pos (length string)))
              when pos do (write-string replacement out)
              while pos)))
    (defstruct machine
        (pointer 0)
        (accum 0))
    (defparameter \*vm\* (make-machine))
    (defun copy-array  (array)
        (let ((new (make-array (array-dimensions array) :displaced-to array)))
                   (adjust-array new (array-dimensions array) :displaced-to nil))) 
    (defun getinput ()
        (let\* ((fname "bigboylarge")
               (lines (uiop:read-file-lines  fname)))
    (defun process (input)
        (make-array (length input) 
                    (mapcar (lambda (x) 
                              (list (str-to-op x)
    (defun str-to-op (str)
        (let ((substr (subseq str 0 3)))
          (list (cond ((equal substr "nop") \#&\#39;nop) 
                      ((equal substr "acc") \#&\#39;acc)
                      ((equal substr "jmp") \#&\#39;jmp))
                (parse-integer (subseq str 4)))))
    (defun nop (vm val)
        (incf (machine-pointer vm)))
    (defun acc (vm val)
        (setf (machine-accum vm)
              (+ (machine-accum vm)
        (incf (machine-pointer vm)))
    (defun jmp (vm val)
        (setf (machine-pointer vm)
              (+ (machine-pointer vm)
    (defun part1 ()
      (let ((vm (make-machine))
            (code (process (getinput))))
          (while (and (not (cadr (aref code (machine-pointer vm))))
                      (<= (machine-pointer vm) (length code))))
            (let ((op (aref code (machine-pointer vm))))
              (setf (cadr op) t)
              (funcall (caar op) vm (cadar op)))
        (print code)
        (machine-accum vm)))
    (defun part2-run (code)
      (let ((vm (make-machine)))
          (while (and (< (machine-pointer vm) (length code))
                      (>= (machine-pointer vm) 0)
                   (not (cadr (aref code (machine-pointer vm))))
            (let ((op (aref code (machine-pointer vm))))
              (setf (cadr op) t)
              (funcall (caar op) vm (cadar op))
            (finally  (return (if (>= (machine-pointer vm) 
                                    (length code))
                                  (machine-accum vm)
    (defun swap (fun)
        (cond ((eq fun \#&\#39;jmp) \#&\#39;nop)
              ((eq fun \#&\#39;nop) \#&\#39;jmp)
              (t fun)))
    (defun part2 ()
        (let\* ((code (process (getinput))))
          ;(part2-run vcode)
          (print (1- (length code)))
          (iterate (for i from 0 to (1- (length code))) 
                   (if (eq (mod i 10000) 0) (print i))
                   (let ((op (aref code i)))
                     (if (not (eq (caar op) \#&\#39;acc))
                           (setf (caar op) 
                                 (swap (caar op)))
                           (let ((res (part2-run code)))
                             (if res (return res)))
                           (iterate (for i from 0 to (1- (length code)))
                                    (setf (cadr (aref code i)) nil))
                           (setf (caar op) 
                                 (swap (caar op)))))))))
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-9
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate))
    (in-package \#:aoc-9)
    (defun getinput ()
        (mapcar \#&\#39;parse-integer 
          (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))
    (defun split (vlist index)
        (values (subseq vlist 0 index) 
                (nthcdr index vlist)))
    (defun seek (l val)
        (iterate (while l)
          (let ((a (pop l))) 
              (iterate (for b in l)
                (if (eq val (+ a b))
                    (return t)))
              (return t)))))
    (defun part1 ()
        (let\* ((all (getinput)))
            (preamble remain) 
            (split all 25)
            (iterate (while remain)
              (let\* ((val (pop remain))
                    (s (remove-if (lambda (x)
                                    (> x val)) 
                                  (sort (copy-seq preamble) \#&\#39;<))))
                (if (not (seek s val))
                    (return val))
                (pop preamble)
                (nconc preamble (list val)))))))
    (defun part2 ()
        (let\* ((all-in (getinput))
               (all (make-array (length all-in)
               (val (part1)))
          (iterate (for i from 0 to (1- (length all)))
            (let ((ret 
                (iterate (for j from (1+ i) to (1- (length all)))
                  (let ((s (subseq all i (1+ j))))
                     (if (eq val
                            (reduce \#&\#39;+
                          (return (+ (reduce \#&\#39;min s)
                                     (reduce \#&\#39;max s)))))))))
              (if ret (return ret))))))
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-10
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate))
    (in-package \#:aoc-10)
    (defun getinput ()
        (mapcar (lambda (x)
                    (parse-integer x))
          (uiop:read-file-lines "bigboy.txt")))
    (defun part1 ()
        (let\* ((input (sort (getinput) \#&\#39;<))
                 (mapcar (lambda (x y)
                           (- y x))
                   (cons 0 (subseq input 0 (length input) ))
                     (cons (+ (car (last input)) 3) 
                           (nreverse input) )))))
          (\* (count 1 proc)
             (count 3 proc))))
    (defun part2-walk (l cache)
        (if (not (cadr l)) 
         (reduce \#&\#39;+ 
             (lambda (remain) 
              (if (and 
                    (car remain) 
                    (<= (- (car remain) (car l)) 3))
                  (result exists)
                  (gethash (car remain) cache)
                  (if exists result
                      (setf (gethash (car remain) cache)
                          (part2-walk remain cache))))
             `(,(cdr l) ,(cddr l) ,(cdddr l))))))
    (defun part2-slow ()
        (let\* ((input (cons 0 
                        (append (sort (getinput) \#&\#39;<)
                            (+ 3 
                               (apply \#&\#39;max 
               (mycache (make-hash-table :test \#&\#39;equal)))
          (part2-walk input mycache)))
    (defun validp (a b)
        (<= (- b a) 3))
    (defun getif (val later)
        (if (validp val (car later))
            (cadr later)
    (defun part2 ()
      (let\* ((input (nreverse (cons 0 (sort (getinput) \#&\#39;<))))
             (tri (list (pop input) 1))
             (two (list (pop input) 1))
             (one-f (pop input))
             (one (list one-f
                        (+ (getif one-f two)
                           (getif one-f tri)))))
        (iterate (while input)
          (let\* ((newval (pop input))
                 (new (list newval
                            (reduce \#&\#39;+
                                (lambda (x)
                                  (getif newval x))
                                (list tri two one))))))
            (setf tri (copy-list two)) 
            (setf two (copy-list one)) 
            (setf one (copy-list new))))
        (log (cadr one) 10)))
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (asdf:load-system :alexandria)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-11
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate \#:alexandria))
    (in-package \#:aoc-11)
    (defun getinput ()
        (let ((in (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))
          (make-array (list (length in)
                            (length (car in)))
                      :initial-contents in)))
    (defun cval (c)
        (cond ((eq c \#\\#) 1)
              ((eq c \#\L) 0)
              ((eq c \#\.) 0)))
    (defun getval (x y arr dims)
        (if (or (> x (1- (car dims)))
                (< x 0)
                (> y (1- (cadr dims)))
                (< y 0)
            (cval (aref arr x y))))
    (defun next (x y arr dims)
        (let ((sum 
                  (getval (1+ x) y arr dims)
                  (getval (1+ x) (1+ y) arr dims)
                  (getval x (1+ y) arr dims)
                  (getval (1- x) (1+ y) arr dims)
                  (getval (1- x) y arr dims)
                  (getval (1- x) (1- y) arr dims)
                  (getval x (1- y) arr dims)
                  (getval (1+ x) (1- y) arr dims)
              (state (aref arr x y)))
          (cond ((and (eq state \#\L)
                      (eq sum 0))
                ((and (eq state \#\\#)
                      (>= sum 4))
                (t state))))
    (defun part1 ()
        (let\* ((grid (getinput))
               (grid-2 (copy-array grid))
               (dims (array-dimensions grid)))
        (do ((stable nil)
             (filled 0 ))
            ((eq stable t) filled)
            (setf stable t)
            (setf filled 0)
          (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
              ((> i (1- (car dims))))
            (do ((j 0 (1+ j)))
                ((> j (1- (cadr dims))))
                (let ((new (next i j grid dims)))
                  (if (not (eq new (aref grid i j)))
                      (setf stable nil))
                  (setf (aref grid-2 i j) new)
                  (if (equal \#\\# new) (incf filled)))))
          (setf grid (copy-array grid-2)))))
    (defun look (x y dirx diry arr dims)
        (if (or (> x (1- (car dims)))
                (< x 0)
                (> y (1- (cadr dims)))
                (< y 0))
            (if (or (eq (aref arr x y) \#\\#)
                    (eq (aref arr x y) \#\L)) 
                (cval (aref arr x y))
                (look (+ x dirx) (+ y diry) dirx diry
                      arr dims))))
    (defun next-2 (x y arr dims)
        (let ((sum 
                  (look (1+ x) y 1 0 arr dims)
                  (look (1+ x) (1+ y) 1 1 arr dims)
                  (look x (1+ y) 0 1 arr dims)
                  (look (1- x) (1+ y) -1 1 arr dims)
                  (look (1- x) y -1 0 arr dims)
                  (look (1- x) (1- y) -1 -1 arr dims)
                  (look x (1- y) 0 -1 arr dims)
                  (look (1+ x) (1- y) 1 -1 arr dims)))
              (state (aref arr x y)))
          ;(format t "~a,~a: ~a~%" x y sum)
          (cond ((and (eq state \#\L)
                      (eq sum 0))
                ((and (eq state \#\\#)
                      (>= sum 5))
                (t state))))
    (defun part2 ()
        (let\* ((grid (getinput))
               (grid-2 (copy-array grid))
               (dims (array-dimensions grid)))
        (do ((stable nil)
             (filled 0 ))
            ((eq stable t) filled)
            (setf stable t)
            (setf filled 0)
          (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
              ((> i (1- (car dims))))
            (do ((j 0 (1+ j)))
                ((> j (1- (cadr dims))))
                (let ((new (next-2 i j grid dims)))
                  (if (not (eq new (aref grid i j)))
                      (setf stable nil))
                  (setf (aref grid-2 i j) new)
                  (if (equal \#\\# new) (incf filled)))))
          (setf grid (copy-array grid-2))
(asdf:load-system :split-sequence)
    (asdf:load-system :iterate)
    (asdf:load-system :alexandria)
    (defpackage \#:aoc-12
      (:use \#:cl \#:split-sequence \#:iterate \#:alexandria))
    (in-package \#:aoc-12)
    (defun getinput ()
        (let ((in (uiop:read-file-lines "input")))
          (mapcar (lambda (x)
                    (list (coerce (subseq x 0 1)
                          (parse-integer (subseq x 1)))) 
    (defstruct ship
      (x 0)
      (y 0)
      (heading 0))
    (defun rot (ship d)
        (setf (ship-heading ship)
              (mod (+ d (ship-heading ship))
    (defun f (ship val)
        (let ((px (round (\* val 
                            (cos (\* pi (/ (ship-heading ship) 180))))))
              (py (round (\* val 
                            (sin (\* -1 pi (/ (ship-heading ship) 180)))))))
          (move ship px py)))
    (defun move (ship x y)
        (setf (ship-x ship)
              (+ (ship-x ship)
        (setf (ship-y ship)
              (+ (ship-y ship)
    (defun intcmd (ship cmd)
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\N) 
           (move ship 0 (cadr cmd)))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\S) 
           (move ship 0 (\* -1 (cadr cmd))))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\E)
           (move ship (cadr cmd) 0))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\W) 
           (move ship (\* -1 (cadr cmd)) 0))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\R) 
           (rot ship (cadr cmd)))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\L) 
           (rot ship (\* -1 (cadr cmd))))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\F) 
           (f ship (cadr cmd)))
    (defun part1 ()
        (let\* ((in (getinput))
               (s (make-ship)))
          (iter (while in)
            (let ((c (pop in)))
              (intcmd s c))
          (print s))
          (+ (abs (ship-x s))
             (abs (ship-y s)))))
    (defstruct wpt
        (x 10)
        (y 1))
    (defun wrot (pt val)
        (let\* ((ang (\* pi (/ val 180)))
               (oldx (wpt-x pt)))
          (setf (wpt-x pt)
                (+ (\* (round (cos ang)) (wpt-x pt))
                   (\* (round (sin ang)) (wpt-y pt))))
          (setf (wpt-y pt)
                (+ (\* (round (sin (\* -1 ang))) oldx)
                   (\* (round (cos ang)) (wpt-y pt))))))
    (defun wmove (pt x y)
        (setf (wpt-x pt)
              (+ (wpt-x pt)
        (setf (wpt-y pt)
              (+ (wpt-y pt)
    (defun goto (ship pt val)
        (iter (repeat val)
          (setf (ship-x ship)
                (+ (ship-x ship)
                   (wpt-x pt)))
          (setf (ship-y ship)
                (+ (ship-y ship)
                   (wpt-y pt)))))
    (defun wintcmd (ship pt cmd)
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\N) 
           (wmove pt 0 (cadr cmd)))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\S) 
           (wmove pt 0 (\* -1 (cadr cmd))))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\E)
           (wmove pt (cadr cmd) 0))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\W) 
           (wmove pt (\* -1 (cadr cmd)) 0))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\R) 
           (wrot pt (cadr cmd)))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\L) 
           (wrot pt (\* -1 (cadr cmd))))
          ((eq (car cmd) \#\F) 
           (goto ship pt (cadr cmd)))))
    (defun part2 ()
        (let\* ((in (getinput))
               (s (make-ship))
               (p (make-wpt)))
          (iter (while in)
            (let ((c (pop in)))
              (wintcmd s p c))
          (print s)
          (print p)
          (+ (abs (ship-x s))
             (abs (ship-y s)))))
